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Version 3.2 released

July 05, 2020 major

spipy version 3.2 is released.

In this version, some of the bugs in v3.1 are fixed. Project structure is re-organized. Add ‘scripts’ folder and merge data visualization GUI into the package.

Version 3.1 released

January 24, 2020 major

spipy version 3.1 is released.

In this version, modelized phase retrieval programming mode is introduced. Using the framework is just like building a neural network by pyTorch or Keras, easy and flexible.

Version 3.0 wiki released

November 07, 2019 minor

spipy wiki blog is released.


GUI released for version 3.0

October 31, 2019 major

Graphics UI v1.1 for spipy v3.0 is released.

openmpi bugs are fixed.

Version 2.1 is deprecated

October 20, 2019 minor

spipy v2.1 in python 2.7 environment is not going to be maintained anymore.

You are strongly suggested to switch to spipy v3.0 project. Using v2.1 will meet some dependency conflict problems.

Version 3.0 released

October 13, 2019 major

Version 3.0 is released, based on newest conda environment (conda version > 4.4) and python 3.7

GUI released for version 2.1

March 15, 2019 major

The graphics UI v1.0 is released, together with spipy v2.1

Last version for python 2.7 environment.

Base changed

December 07, 2018 minor

The whole project is relocated to LiuLab-CSRC orgnization, original repository is deprecated.

Add merge utils

June 06, 2018 minor

Add merge.utils mudule, which contains python functions for orientation recovery and merging.

Add powerful functions

April 23, 2018 minor

Add atomic diffraction simulation mudule.

Add RAAR phase retrieval algorithm.

Version 2.0 and wiki released

March 20, 2018 major

Version 2.0 is released, for python 2.7

Github wiki is released.

Version 1.0 released

February 10, 2018 major

For python 2.7 and old anaconda environment, without document.