Phase Retrieval Network Framework (Suggested)
In this framework, you can use different algorithms to build a phasing network, just like building a neural network using pytorch. Here every node contains an algorithm and the data stream goes through all of the nodes in your specified order. The framework supports multiple input nodes and single output node. It could do phasing of both 2D pattern and 3D volume inputs.
Now the framework contains ERA / HIO / DM / RAAR / HPR algorithms. More methods are under design and will be released later. See an example network below for a straight forward look.
NOTE-1 : All of the classes in ‘phmodel’ module has a ‘run’ function, which will be called by phexec.Runner to run a node, please do not change it.
NOTE-2 : Every instance of classes in ‘phmodel’ has an ‘id’ attribute, which is the identical number of a node in the network.
- class pInput : input node of a phasing network
- __init__ (self, config_dict, name=None)
: parameter dict
{ # input diffraction intensity (both 2D and 3D data are fine) "pattern_path" : xxx.npy, # input mask (masked pixel is 1, unmasked pixel is 0) "mask_path" : xxx.npy, # radius of central mask, set None to ignore "center_mask" : 5, # inside and outside radius of a ring area to be masked, set None to ignore "edge_mask" : [60,64], # inside and outside radius of a ring area where pattern pixels will be set to 0, set None to ignore "edge_remove" : None, # subtract input pattern by a percentile of itself, a float within (0,1), set False to ignore "subtract_percentile" : False, # radius of a fixed circle support, set None to ignore "fixed_support_r" : 10, # whether to fit backgound in phasing "background" : True, # the initial model, set None to use random initiaion "initial_model" : xxx.npy }
: name of this node, default is class name
[return] self. The ‘pInput’ nodes should be the first layer of network and thus they don’t have ‘after’ function.
- __init__ (self, config_dict, name=None)
- class pOutput : output node of a phasing network
- __init__ (self, name=None)
: name of this node, default is class name
- after (self, father_node)
: add father of this node
[return] self. You can use this function for serval times to add multiple fathers to this node. Importantly, ‘pOutput’ node could not be father of any nodes.
- __init__ (self, name=None)
- class pMerge : doing average to data streams from father nodes
- __init__ (self, name=None)
: name of this node, default is class name
- after (self, father_node)
: add father to this node
[return] self. You can use this function for serval times to add multiple fathers to this node.
- __init__ (self, name=None)
- class ERA : “Error Reduction” algorithm node
- __init__ (self, iteration, support_size, name=None)
: how many iterations for ERA to run, intsupport_size
: (estimated) number of pixels within final retrieved support, intname
: name of this node, default is class name
- after (self, father_node)
: add a father to this node
[return] self. You can use this function for serval times to add multiple fathers to this node.
- __init__ (self, iteration, support_size, name=None)
- class DM : “Difference Map” algorithm node
- __init__ (self, iteration, support_size, name=None)
- the same with ERA
- after (self, father_node)
: add a father to this node
[return] self. You can use this function for serval times to add multiple fathers to this node.
- __init__ (self, iteration, support_size, name=None)
- class RAAR : RAAR algorithm node
- __init__ (self, iteration, support_size, beta, name=None)
: a float from [0,1]. If beta==0, then RAAR degenerate to ERA- others are same with ERA
- after (self, father_node)
: add a father to this node
[return] self. You can use this function for serval times to add multiple father to this node.
- __init__ (self, iteration, support_size, beta, name=None)
- class HIO : “Hybrid Input Output” algorithm node
- __init__ (self, iteration, support_size, gamma, name=None)
: greedy rate, a float from (0,1]. If gamma==1, then HIO degenerate to ERA- others are same with ERA
- after (self, father_node)
: add a father to this node
[return] self. You can use this function for serval times to add multiple father to this node.
- __init__ (self, iteration, support_size, gamma, name=None)
- class HPR : “Hybrid projectopn restriction” algorithm node
- __init__ (self, iteration, support_size, gamma, hprcoff=0.5, name=None)
: greedy rate, a float from (0,1]. If gamma==1, then HIO degenerate to ERAhprcoff
: the threshold of overlapping rate (R_v) between supports from two iterations, a float from (0,1). If R_v>hprcoff then apply HPR iteration, otherwise apply HIO iteration.- others are same with ERA
- after (self, father_node)
: add a father to this node
[return] self. You can use this function for serval times to add multiple fathers to this node.
- __init__ (self, iteration, support_size, gamma, hprcoff=0.5, name=None)
- class Runner : running phasing network, support mpi4py parallel
- __init__ (self, inputnodes = None, outputnode = None, loadfile = None, reload_dataset = None, comm = None)
: a list of “pInput” instances, the input nodes of the whole networkoutputnode
: one “pOutput” instance, the output node of the networkloadfile
: str, file path, load network from this json filereload_dataset
: a dict, {input_node_id : {“pattern_path” : “xxx.npy”, “mask_path” : “xxx.npy” or None, “initial_model” : “xxx.npy” or None}, …}. The input data stream will be reloaded. Only valid when ‘loadfile’ is given. Necessary when ‘loadfile’ is a skeleton network file.comm
: communicator of MPI ranks. If you use mpi4py, please provide this variable. Default is None.
[NOTE] You can specify either
to initiate a Runner. - run (self, repeat=1)
: times of independent phasing of single mpi rank, int
[return] phasing results, a dict containning keys : [“sample_ret”, “support”, “PRTF”, “background”, “eMod”, “eCon”, “stream_path”, “diffraction_amp”], only rank-0 process will return results.
- dump_model (self, model_file, skeleton = False)
: str, file path to save this phasing networkskeleton
: bool, whether to save input data stream of this network, save (False) or not save (True)
[return] A file will be generated to describe the network you created. You can share this file to others to build a same network.
- save_h5 (self, out, save_file)
: a dict, the phasing results from ‘’ functionsave_file
: save results to a specific HDF5 file
- plot_result (self, out)
: a dict, the phasing results from ‘’ function
- __init__ (self, inputnodes = None, outputnode = None, loadfile = None, reload_dataset = None, comm = None)
— Programming example to build a network model like the figure above —
# Examles of using PRNF programming,
# you can find more at "spipy/test_spipy/phase/"
import numpy as np
from spipy.phase import phexec, phmodel
from mpi4py import MPI
mrank = comm.Get_rank()
msize = comm.Get_size()
if __name__ == "__main__":
config_input = {
"pattern_path" : "pattern.npy",
"mask_path" : "pat_mask.npy",
"center_mask" : 5,
"edge_mask" : None,
"subtract_percentile" : False,
"fixed_support_r" : None,
"background" : True,
"initial_model" : None
iters = [150,100,200]
support_size = 85
beta = 0.8
gamma = 0.05
newdataset = {"pattern_path" : "pattern.npy", "mask_path" : "pat_mask.npy", "initial_model" : None}
# set up network
l1_0 = phmodel.pInput(config_input)
l1_1 = phmodel.pInput(config_input)
l2_0 = phmodel.HIO(iters[0], support_size, gamma).after(l1_0)
l2_1 = phmodel.ERA(iters[0], support_size).after(l1_1)
l2_2 = phmodel.RAAR(iters[0], support_size, beta).after(l1_1)
lm = phmodel.pMerge().after(l2_0).after(l2_1).after(l2_2)
l4 = phmodel.DM(iters[1], support_size).after(lm)
l5 = phmodel.HIO(iters[2], support_size, gamma).after(l4)
l6 = phmodel.pOutput().after(l5)
# run
runner = phexec.Runner(inputnodes = [l1_0, l1_1], outputnode = l6, comm=comm)
out = = 2)
if mrank == 0:
# Dump network
runner.dump_model("temp_model.json", skeleton=False)
# Reload network
runner2 = phexec.Runner(inputnodes = None, outputnode = None, \
loadfile = "temp_model.json", reload_dataset = {}, comm=comm)
out = = 1)
Functional based phase retrieval program (deprecated)
- Phase retrieval algorithms :
- ER (error reduction)
- DM (difference map)
- RAAR (relaxed averaged alternating reflections)
-> 2d pattern phase retrieval
# 2d phase retrieval basic parameters
- 'input|shape' : input pattern shape, default='123,123'
- 'input|padd_to_pow2' : zero padding to make the size of pattern to be a 2^n number, default=True
- 'input|inner_mask' : pixels whose radius<inner_mask are allowed to float while phasing, default=5
- 'input|outer_mask' : pixels whose radius>outer_mask are set to zero, default=64
- 'input|outer_outer_mask' : pixels whose radius are between outer_mask and outer_outer_mask are allowed to float, default=None
- 'input|mask_edges' : bool, whether allow pixels between outer_mask and outer_outer_mask to float, default=True
- 'phasing|repeats' : how many times of independent phasing for **every process**, default=40
- 'phasing|iters' : schedual iterations for 1 phasing loop, default is '100RAAR 200DM 200ERA' which means '100 times RAAR algorithm -> 200 times DM algorithm -> 200 times ER algorithm'
- 'phasing_parameters|support_size' : set restriction to the number of pixels inside final support of shrinkwrap process, default=200
- 'phasing_parameters|beta' : beta value for RAAR algorithm, float from 0 to 1, default=0.8
# 2d phase retrieval advanced parameters
- 'input|subtract_percentile' : subtract the X percentile value of data for all pixels, float value from 0 to 100, default=None
- 'input|spherical_support' : radius of spherical support that added at the initiation, default=None
- 'input|init_model' : filepath of initial REAL space model. Support .npy, .bin and .mat file formats. The size of init model should agree with 'input|shape' after 'input|padd_2_pow', default=None
- 'phasing_parameters|background' : evaluate background while phasing, default=True
-> 3d volume phase retrieval
# 3d phase retrieval basic parameters
- 'input|shape' : input pattern shape, default='120,120,120'
- 'input|padd_to_pow2' : zero padding to make the size of pattern to be a 2^n number, default=True
- 'input|inner_mask' : pixels whose radius<inner_mask are allowed to float while phasing, default=3
- 'input|outer_mask' : pixels whose radius>outer_mask are set to zero, default=64
- 'input|outer_outer_mask' : pixels whose radius are between outer_mask and outer_outer_mask are allowed to float, default=None
- 'input|mask_edges' : bool, whether allow pixels between outer_mask and outer_outer_mask to float, default=False
- 'phasing|repeats' : how many times of independent phasing for **every process**, default=40
- 'phasing|iters' : schedual iterations for 1 phasing loop, default is '100RAAR 200DM 200ERA' which means '100 times RAAR algorithm -> 200 times DM algorithm -> 200 times ER algorithm'
- 'phasing_parameters|voxel_number' : set restriction to the number of pixels inside final support of shrinkwrap process, default=2000
- 'phasing_parameters|beta' : beta value for RAAR algorithm, float from 0 to 1, default=0.8
# 3d phase retrieval advanced parameters
- 'input|subtract_percentile' : subtract the X percentile value of data for all pixels, float value from 0 to 100, default=None
- 'input|spherical_support' : radius of spherical support that added at the initiation, default=None
- 'input|init_model' : filepath of initial REAL space model. Support .npy, .bin and .mat file formats. The size of init model should agree with 'input|shape' after 'input|padd_2_pow', default=None
- 'phasing_parameters|background' : evaluate background while phasing, default=True
phase.phase3d and phase.phase2d have same APIs :
- new_project (data_path, mask_path=None, path=None, name=None)
: path of your original diffraction data, support ‘.npy’ or ‘.mat’, or ‘.bin’ files. For ‘.bin’ file, dtype should be floatmask_path
: path of user-defined mask file, a 0/1 numpy array where 1 means masked pointpath
: create work directory under this path, set None to use current dirname
: give a name to your project, set None to let program choose one for you
[return] create project, no return
- config_project (params)
: dict, parameters (see above) to configure
[return] configuration, no return
- run_project (num_proc=1, nohup=False, cluster=False)
: int, this function maps multi-processes automatically, so you need to figure out how many processes to run in parallelnohup
: bool, whether run in backgroundcluster
: bool, whether you will submit jobs using job scheduling system, if True, the function will only generate a command file at your work path without submitting it; if False, the program will run directly
[return] start phase retrieval, no return
- use_project (project_path)
: string, the path of project directory that you want to switch to
[return] switch to a existing project, no return