- Linux (Ubuntu/Centos/…) or MacOS
- Anaconda environment, conda version > 4.4
- gcc/g++ >= 4.8
- (optional) openmpi >= 2.0 and gsl >= 1.0
- Download from github repository, or
[user@linux ~]$ git clone -b v3.2
- Go into the folder and run installation script
[user@linux ~]$ cd spipy [user@linux spipy]$ chmod u+x ./ [user@linux spipy]$ conda activate base # Full compiling and environment setup (base)[user@linux spipy]$ ./ # Do not compile EMC part (which needs openmpi and gsl) (base)[user@linux spipy]$ ./ -x # Do not check or setup anaconda environment (base)[user@linux spipy]$ ./ -e
- Notice ! Do NOT delete or move original spipy folder after installation !